Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Beautiful jewels and gems

Beautiful jewels, jewellery and gems are fascinating. Beautiful jewels and gems are nice to give, nice to wear at special occasions, and a well future investment.

Jewellery has been used for a number of reasons: Currency, wealth display and storage; functional use, such as pins, clasps, and buckles; symbolism for example to show membership or status; protection, in the form of magical wards and amulets and artistic display.

Most cultures and many people have at some point a practice of keeping large amounts of wealth stored in the form of jewellery. Numerous cultures move wedding dowries in the form of jewellery, or create jewellery as a means to store or display coins.

Alternatively, jewellery has been used as a currency or trade good; an example being the use of slave beads.

Many items of jewellery originated as purely functional items, such as brooches and buckles, but evolved into decorative items as their functional requirement diminished.

Jewellery can also be symbolic of group membership, as in the case of the Jewish Star of David, the Christian crucifix or, or of status, as in the case of chains of office, or the practice of married people wearing a wedding ring.

So people like the jewels because of their shape, their design, their history, tradition but also color and their worth. There are many kind of jewellery, and at this site there will be more information about them.

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